Friday, February 29, 2008

Help!!! I've Turned Into My Mother!!

Now if you have ever bothered to tune into The Dirt Road Girl's blog you would know she claims to have a sister who lives a "charmed" life. I am not so sure about this because after all she is married to a guy from Ohio. Ohio, come on give me a break it is the armpit of the world. How could anybody live a charmed life married to somebody from Ohio. Ohio should be flushed down the toilet with the rest of life's undesirables. But we will leave that for another day because today we need to talk about another topic.

This all started innocently enough this morning when my sister, let's just call her C1 as The Dirt Road Girl suggests, sent me her daily e-mails of her pictures she recently took on her trip to Hawaii. As I was perusing through them this morning I came across this picture of her and her daughter, Miss Notre Lame (just in case you can't figure who is who Miss NL is she is the one on the right.) As soon as I saw this picture I thought I was looking at our mother. Now I thought I would send her a little note back that innocently said "You've turned into your mother." Believe me no malice or disrespect was intended. It didn't take long and C1 (oh have I mentioned this particular sister is over a half a century old) shot me an email back that said "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Ohh, I think I hit a nerve and I have tonight's Random Thought. Well, look at the pictures that is what I mean by that.

As near as I can figure the pic in the upper right was taken during a Christmas get together about the year 1986. Miss NL would have been what? Two years old? Now tell me couldn't they pass for sisters? The only way I can tell them apart is our mother is the one holding the beer can.

By the way Miss NL see what you got to look forward to. Maybe in my next post I will pull out an old picture of your mother and compare it to you. Now wouldn't that be fun?

I can hear C1 already "I don't think I look like her." Hey sis get over it. You have turned into your mother.


Anonymous said...

Looking like is harmless. If she starts acting like -- I'm outta here.

Unknown said...

Just for the record I never said anything about acting like.

carriegel said...

i'm feeling better. the day i have a beer can in my hand just shoot me and put me out of my misery.
better watch pulling out old pictures. i have a few here that i am sure the blog world would like to see.