Thursday, December 4, 2008


I came home from work tonight and walked up onto my deck and I almost kicked this thing in the door.


You know how it is, dark, porch light not on, trying to read the mail even though it's dark and just before contact you see it that little box on the deck. But what is it? Did I order something I forgot about? Possible especially at my age. Did the wife order something I don't know about but maybe should? I tried to read it but the damn thing is covered in ice because the darn mailman left it under my eve, which by the way if you happened to read yesterdays post you would know it is full of snow, and water dripped down on it all afternoon turning it into an icicle.


Oh what could it be? It's light, probably better not shake it just in case something breakable in there. Hmmm maybe I should get it into the sink before it melts all over the floor especially since there is nobody here to clean up after me.


Finally after I get it inside and under some light I can see it is addressed to me. Well good golly Miss Molly it looks like Christmas has arrived early.


I'm thinking about now I might just know what is in there and I'll bet some of you have a good idea too. The box is about the right size, it is the first of the month, could it be? Was I finally the lucky winner?

Anticipation grows....................and.................



The cookies are a little froze but also intact. I think this is just what the doctor ordered.

Double Yippe Kay Yay.


megawatt miler said...

i knew what it was from the first picture-i know those boxes!

Unknown said...

Have you ever seen a box covered with ice though?

carriegel said...

wow, and i paid for that kind of service?

jporterGOP said...

i thought it was a new copy of A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity as a gift for me.

Anonymous said...

I recognized the box too! Those recycled ones are better than ever receiving them the first time. There's always some goodness in those! As C would say -- lucky duck!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about buying that book plus the now pin heads door mat.

jporterGOP said...

then you could get a free "We Say Merry Christmas" bumper sticker.