Saturday, May 3, 2008

Music Sequels Cont.

Okay so it took me a few days to actually think of a song with a sequel to it. When I did finally think of one I couldn't believe how obvious this particular song and sequel are. If you have ever been to a sporting event you will know this song, the sequel that is. The original song wasn't near as popular as the sequel.

The name of the original song? Rock and Roll Part 1. The name of the sequel? Rock and Roll Part 2. How could I miss these songs? As I said above Rock and Roll Part 2 is probably the most played song ever at any sporting event.

The originator of these songs? Gary Glitter. Apparently he has a history of problems with little girls because he is presently serving a prison sentence in Vietnam for child pornography. I am surprised they didn't execute him.

The first song isn't very good so if you are only going to listen to one of them listen to the second video. If you are in for a good laugh watch the first, it is quite a get up Gary Glitter is wearing.

Rock and Roll Part 1

Rock and Roll Part 2

I wonder, how long did it take to write these songs?

I think I might have to question the band's sexual orientation after watching the videos too.


carriegel said...

Hey, I knew all the words to the second song! Hey!

I will never be at a sporting event again and hear that song without that image in my head. What was he thinking?

Unknown said...

I was watching a Big Ten softball game today and they must have played that song during every half inning. And then a Big Ten baseball game came on and they were playing it again. I'm not sure how many times I heard it today.

JP said...

Wow... I had no idea... I'm going to have to show others.