Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Wanna Be a Rock Star

300 miles, that is what I drove today. Just so happens that is the distance from home, to our job site in Wausau Wisconsin and back home again. A long boring drive through the center of Wisconsin.

I am the project manager for a building we are presently doing in Wausau called, appropriately, Wausau Windows. It is 250,000 square feet of manufacturing space and 70,000 square feet of office space. So by being the esteemed project manager for this illustrious job I get to drive to Wausau and back every now and then. Fun.

What is a project manager? The project manager is the poor sap that gets stuck between the owners of a company and the people in the field that actually builds the buildings. To sum it up, it sucks. It is kind of like being a foreman in a manufacturing complex. I am planning a post for a later date that will deal with this issue and what I plan on doing about it.

The one item I did accomplish today was to find a classic rock station that plays the kind of classic rock I like. And the good part is I can listen to it for about 3/4 of the way to and back from Wausau. The highlight of my day.

Anyway this song comes on "I Wanna Be A Rock Star" which I hadn't heard in a long time. I have to agree with the song I would rather be a rock star than a project manager right now. I thought this song would be a good post tonight since I don't have much time. It is a good song with great lyrics and another great surprise tonight when I looked it up on You Tube, a great video.

Enjoy the video and song and see if you can figure out who the people are that appear in the video.

By the way the name of the band is Nickelback.

Okay I am back to add to this post. I thought you might like this video too. It is a spoof on the rock star one above but it is called "I Wanna be a Pop Star." It too is preformed by Nickelback. This one is pretty funny and sadly true.


mickey said...

Up until now I thought you liked good music.


I'd rather be a project manager, than listen to Nickelback.

Unknown said...

This is the only song I know that they do, I just happen to like it.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Simon Cowell, "I'm not sure that was the best song choice for you". HA! Guess what I'm watching?

carriegel said...

I have a Nickelback song called This Is How You Remind Me on my ipod.
Just watching through the video once I saw Ted Nugent (I think), the motorcycle people on that TLC show, Wayne Gretsky, and my favorite, Kid Rock. Love that guy.

carriegel said...

I was feeling sorry for you and your 300 miles until D got home tonight. He drove 650 miles today. In the rain and all uphill to boot!

Unknown said...

Only half can be uphill, the other half would have to be downhill.

carriegel said...

who is your classic rock band? i don't recognize them at all.

Unknown said...

Kenny Wayne Shepherd. I think that may be my favorite song right now. I like the sound and the singer of the band. Kenny Wayne Shepherd is the blond hair guitar player.

Here is another song form You Tube they do called Midnight Rider. I believe it is an old Allman Brothers Band song.


JP said...

Hah! Ted Nugent is in that video!