Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Due to Tempory Difficulties...........

I hope to be back posting again tomorrow night so stayed tuned. I finished a design job last week (or so I thought) and it seems the owner changes his mind everyday. Every night when I get home I check my email and there will be a note from the general contractor back in Michigan saying the owner wants to change this or the owner wants to change that. So every night I have been making changes to drawings until 10:00 or 11:00 at night.

I am starting to get behind on my ideas, I have enough for a week at least right now. I want to do a post about my favorite things (at least for the moment). I wanted to do a post about the Red Wings but the time has passed for that. I owe a post for the recipe for the rub I used in Michigan a couple of weeks ago. And I want to do a post about our Sunday dinner. I was going to do this in a two parter but now I may condense it down to one. This is simply an outstanding meal and may be the best I have ever done so it will be well worth posting.

Hopefully, I am keeping my fingers crossed, there will be no emails tomorrow and I can get back to posting.


carriegel said...

I've missed you.

JP said...

All good topics to post... I look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

We'll wait.